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Go to bed and rest your head..




“You’ll sleep when you’re dead” .. well you’ll be dead sooner if you keep depriving your brain of those Zzz 😴


We all have late nights, sleepless nights and all-nighters, but when you are repeatedly not getting a sufficient amount of sleep and running on empty each day, you are doing more damage than you think. 🤔


If you can imagine your brain to have different motorways and roads with lots of cars delivering messages on these roads...

When you’re sleep deprived, your drivers are breaking down from no petrol, crashing into other cars, some are going in the wrong direction and some are just going up in flames.. 🚙🔥

The messages you need to complete your daily tasks, hold a conversation, make good choices and decisions.. they were not delivered on time or not delivered at all. 🙍🏻‍♀️


Bearing this in mind, think of your sleep routine as topping up your car (brain) with fuel, or giving yourself the WiFi for the Google Maps (neurotransmitters) to work properly the next day.. 📉


Do yourself a favour and don’t set yourself up for failure!


REAL TALK: Make the effort with your health now, not when you’re in a doctor’s office in ten or twenty years time getting bad news you could have prevented. ✉️


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