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Feed your focus, Feed your future.🥢

Every single second of every single day, our brain goes through a process where it filters and 'sorts out' all the information which it receives.

Our body and brain experiences life through the five senses; touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight.

This process is called 'Selective Attention'.

There is a lot to take in during any given moment.

As we all have different brains primed and programmed in different ways, our thalamus (the filter or 'sorting hat 🎩' if you will) prioritises that which we as individuals value...

..and tosses out the bits it deems as unecessary and useless.

Have you ever wondered why you may have a lot to say about the pink dress Janet wore to the wedding.. while your other half might say 'I thought she was wearing trousers'.

We all observe things differently and therefore some things that will become a clear memory to us, may have been tossed aside by the sorting hat in another person's brain.

As humans, our brains and bodies are still very much in survival mode.

We spend a lot of our brain energy (without realising it) avoiding anything unfamiliar and potentially dangerous.

As a result of this, we pass up on new opportunities, experiences and connections.

This is why we find it all too easy to list off the things we DON'T want but struggle to name the things we do want; in a career, a partner, a take-away or in life.

You should spend more time focusing on what you do want,

The entire sensual experience of that,

What does your dream workspace look like? smell like? how does your new desk feel?

What qualities would you love your next partner to have? Do you see yourself laughing with them? Will you love the smell of the outdoors when you go for walks with them?

You get the jist.

If you focus on what you want, you are priming your brain to watch out for these things, to bring you closer to these experiences.

Focus on what you want,

Feed that focus,

Feed your future.

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